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Email Lockout Articles

If you need to check or unlock an email due to failed login attempts, it is the same area from which you can reset the password.


Lockouts can occur for a number of reasons, most commonly due to failed logins or old password entered into a device.


  1. Login to the brinkster control panel and select email manager

2. Select the domain name in question

3. Select the email account inquestion or that shows lockout

4. Follow the steps in Red lettering by unchecking the box and clicking save at the bottom of the screen.

If you need to change the password as well (compromised account for example)

Enter a new password, confirm it.

NOTE: Do NOT click Must change password, or it will require you to change the password again after first login.

Press Save Email Account at the bottom.

If you had updated the password, be sure to update it in any client device you own, iphone, android, outlook, mac mail etc, or it will cause another lockout due to having the wrong password.