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What Is a Personal SSL Articles
Please consult customer support if you have questions regarding ssl support on your Brinkster account.

Personal SSL is SSL using your own certificate.  Example: (
Personal SSL requires a custom IP address. There is a $3.26 per month fee for a custom IP address.

NOTE: You can only have one ssl per account.  If you require multiple domains to each have an SSL, it would require setting up multiple accounts as you can only have one IP per account.

 Brinkster will need to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) in order for your certificate request to begin. Note that you will need to purchase the certificate from a 3rd part certificate authority, such as Verisign, Thawte, or Comodo and provide them with the CSR. Your certificate authority will generate a security certificate for your domain using the CSR.

In order for the certificate to be accurately created, the information that you provide from below must match the information associated with your domain. 

Please submit a support ticket with the following information:

All fields are required:

Brinkster User Name:

Organizational Unit: (examples: Sales, Marketing, or IT Services)
Common Name: (URL to be secured, such as or

You cannot include the "," character in this information. Example: "Brinkster, Hosting" must be "Brinkster Hosting".
All words must be spelled out, no abbreviations. Example: "CA" must be "California".