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Creating a VDC Articles
Virtual Data Centers (VDCs) are logical groupings of resources within a customer account, for example, virtual machines, disks, snapshots, and networks. They exist to provide convenient groupings around which customers can organise their infrastructure. Each VDC is assigned to a specific cluster.

Virtual Data Centers (VDCs) contain servers, networks and firewalls. To create a VDC:

  1. Show the resources page by clicking the Resources link in the top right hand corner of the screen.

  2. Click on the VDCs tab.

  3. On the VDCs widget, click the Create VDC button.

    The Create VDC dialog box is displayed.

  4. Specify the following:
    • Name - The name to give the VDC.
    • Cluster - The cluster in which to create the VDC.

  5. Once these fields have been filled out appropriately, click the Save button. A job will be submitted to create the VDC. The Managing a VDC page is displayed automatically; here you can perform actions such as defining permissions for the VDC or adding it to a Deployment Template.