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Creating an SSH Key Articles
To create an SSH key:

  1. Show the Resources page by clicking the Resources link in the top right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the Security tab.

  3. On the SSH Keys widget, click the Create SSH Key button.

  4. Specify the following:
    1. Name - The name you want to give the SSH key.
    2. Username - The name of the user account that the SSH key will be associated with. 

      If an SSH key username is specified, it must match the username specified for the image used to create the virtual machine. Alternatively, the SSH key username can be left blank to allow access to all images.

    3. Public Key - The public SSH key matching the private key on your computer. Note that this must be generated using software or commands on your local PC, and then copied and pasted into the text box.
    4. Global? - Whether or not the public SSH key is applied to each virtual machine the current user creates. If the value is Yes, the public key will be added to the metadata of every virtual machine that the current user creates.
  5. Once these fields have been filled out appropriately, click the Save button. A job is submitted to create the SSH key. 

    To use the SSH key to access a virtual machine, the SSH key must be extracted from the virtual machine's metadata. The easiest way to ensure that this happens is to add the SSH key to the server's metadata before the virtual machine is first booted. The firstboot script should then extract the SSH key from the virtual machine's metadata. Global SSH keys are automatically added to the metadata of all new virtual machines. Non-global SSH keys can be added to the metadata of a virtual machine when managing the virtual machine.