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Inviting a User Articles
Users are Brinkster Cloud Services accounts. These can have as broad or as narrow a range of permissions as desired, according to their role. 

Brinkster Cloud Orchestrator incorporates a shared authentication system, allowing user accounts that exist in a third party system to be added to Brinkster Cloud Orchestrator using the CreateUser API call. If the third party system uses a hashing method supported by Brinkster Cloud Orchestrator such as SHA-256, MD5, or MySQL native hashing, you can enter the password as a hash.

To send an email inviting someone to join your account as a user:

  1. Show the Resources page by clicking the Resources link in the top right hand corner of the screen.

  2. Click on the Security tab. 


  3. On the Users widget, click the Invite User button.

  4. Enter the email address of the person you want to invite.

  5. Click the Send Invitation button. An email invitation is sent to the specified address. When the invited person accepts the invitation and creates a user account, this account can be managed to control its permissions and access to resources.