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Managing Images Articles
To manage an image:

  1. Show the Resources page by clicking the Resources link in the top right hand corner of the screen.
  2. Click on the Images tab.

  3. On the Images widget, click the Manage button next to the image you want to manage.

    The Manage Image dialog box is displayed.

  4. Do one or more of the following:

    Do this
    Change the name or default username of the image
    1. Click the Edit button.
    2. Edit the details as required.
    3. Click the Save button.
    Change whether or not a password is automatically generated for the image
    1. Click the Edit button.
    2. Edit the details as required.
    3. Click the Save button.
    Delete the imageClick the Delete button.
    Add the image to the list visible when you create a serverClick the Add Favourite button.
    Remove the image from the list visible when you create a serverClick the Remove Favourite button.
    Manage the images visible when you create a serverClick the Manage Favourites button.
    Edit the hypervisor specific parameters of the image
    1. Click on the Hypervisor Settings section.
    2. In the Customise column, select the check box of the parameter you want to modify.
    3. Edit the parameter using the appropriate drop down menu.
    4. If required, force a change to be inherited by resources lower down the hierarchy by clicking the Lock button.
    5. Click the Update button.


    Edit the properties of the image
    1. Click on the Image Properties section.
    2. Click the Edit button.
    3. Edit the properties as required using the drop down menus. This forms descriptive information about the image for anyone you share the image with.

    4. Click the Save button.
    Share the image
    1. Click on the Sharing section.
    2. Do one or more of the following:
      • To share an image:
        1. Select one of the following from the Share with drop down menu:
          • Specific customer
          • Everybody

        2. If you selected Specific customer, enter the UUID of the customer in the UUID text box.
        3. Click the Add button.
      • To revoke the sharing of an image, click the Revoke button next to the customer you no longer wish to share the image with.
    View and manage jobs associated with the imageClick on the Jobs section. To manage a job, click the Manage button next to it.
    View and manage the related resources and UUIDs for the image
    1. Click on the Related Resources and UUIDs section. 
    2. To manage a related resource or UUID, click the Manage button next to it.

    View and edit the image's metadata
    1. Click on the Metadata section. 
    2. Edit the metadata as required. For more information about metadata, see article on Metadata Service.
    3. Click the Save button.
    Edit the permissions for servers created using the image
    1. Click on the Image Permissions section. 
    2. Click the Edit button.
    3. Edit the permissions as required. User permissions apply to users creating a server from the image. Owner permissions apply when the owner of the image creates a server from it.
      The following permissions are available:
      • Can Clone: They are able to create clone disks from the existing one.
      • Can Snapshot: They are able to take snapshots of a disk.
      • Can Image: They are able to create a new image from their server.
      • Can Have Additional Disks: Allows them to add additional disks to a server.
      • Can be Secondary Disk: Allows another disk to become the boot disk on a server.
      • Can Console: Allows them to start a console to the server.
      • Can Start: Allows them to start the server.
      • Can Create Server: Allows them to create a server from the image.
      • Can be detached from Server: Allows them to detach the disk from the original server.

      Some of these capabilities are dependent on one another, and some can be used to circumvent others, so you need to pick your capabilities carefully.

      These capabilities do not apply to the image owner. The image owner can perform any of the above tasks irrespective of the permissions set.


      Image permissions are not inherited; allowing someone to make a new image from your existing image will wipe any and all permission restrictions from their new image, as they will be the owners of that new image.

      For examples of how to set up image permissions for various use cases, see Example Image Permissions. (edit link)

    4. Click the Save button.
    Edit the permissions for the imageClick on the Permissions section. 

    Permissions are set using the following fields:
    • Permission - Whether to allow or deny the user or group the ability to perform the action specified using the Capability drop down menu.
    • Type - Whether the permission applies to a group, or an individual user.
    • User/Group - The user or group to which the permission applies.
    • Capability - The action that the user or group is specifically allowed or denied the ability to perform.
    • Resource - The type of resource that the Capability pertains to, for example server, disk, or user.
    For more information about permissions, see the article on Permissions.
  5. Once you have finished managing the image, close the Manage Image dialog box by clicking the Done button.