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How Can I override the Junk Mail Filter Articles
To override the junk mail filter so that all emails come to the inbox, follow these steps.

1. First, login to your Webmail account. 



2. Select the Webmail Settings button. 

3. Select the Mail Filters tab and then select New Filter

 4. Enter a name for the filter.
Select does not match exactly from the second drop down box.

In the condition field, enter something that you would never see in an email subject.
(This condition is saying that if the subject of the email does not match this field exactly, then put the email in the inbox. Since you will be entering a subject that you would never see, all emails will go to the inbox.)

5. Where it says 'Keep in Inbox', select 'File into Folder', then hit the browse button and select the 'inbox'.

Click OK.

Your filter is now set to override the Junk filter. You can now log out of Webmail.