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PHP Realpath example
PHP Realpath example
Copy and paste this code snippet into your .php page, then view the page in your web browser.
We suggest using Realpath instead of using an absolute path in your coded applications.
*Note that no edit to the code needs to be made at all to run this demonstration.*
<head><title>PHP Realpath Demo</title></head>
echo "<font face='HELVETICA'><b>PHP Realpath Demonstration</b><br><br>";
echo "The "File.txt" file does not actually exist;unless you created one that is, this is used as a demonstration of how to use realpath.<br>";
echo "For a more dramatic effect, place this file in a sub folder of your website's root folder.<br><br>";
echo "This path will take you to the folder this file is currently running in.<br>";
echo "<table border=0><tr><td><b>PHP Path: </b></td><td>realpath('').'\file.txt';</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td><b>Output:</b></td><td>".realpath('').'\file.txt'."</td></tr></table>";
echo "<br><br>";
echo "This path will take you to the root of your website.<br>";
echo "<table border=0><tr><td><b>PHP Path: </b></td><td>realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']).'\file.txt';</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td><b>Output:</b></td><td>".realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'])."\file.txt</td></tr></table>";
echo "<br><br>For a more detailed explanation of Realpath please visit this <a style=text-decoration:none href='http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_filesystem_realpath.asp'>Helpful originalAttribute=href originalPath='http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_filesystem_realpath.asp'>Helpful originalAttribute=hreforiginalPath='http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_filesystem_realpath.asp'>Helpful Site</a>";