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Joomla Password Reset Articles
Copy the file into your Joomla folder in which you installed Joomla.
Browse to your Joomla installation folder in a browser and open the password_reset.php file.
You should get a confirmation stating that your password has been reset.  

Copy Code in Grey:

include "./configuration.php";

$config = new JConfig ();
$link = mysql_connect ($config->host, $config->user, $config->password);

//echo $config->host . ", " . $config->user . ", " . $config->db . ", " . $config->dbprefix . "<br>";

if (!$link) { die ("Unable to connect to database, Check your Joomla Settings in your configuration.php file!"); }

$query = "UPDATE ". $config->dbprefix . "users SET password='" . md5('password') . "' WHERE username='admin';";

echo "<p>Performing Query on database:<br><code>$query<br></code><br>";
mysql_select_db ($config->user);
$result = mysql_query ($query, $link);
if ($result)
        echo "<br>Password Successfully Set To: password<br>";
else {
        echo "Something went wrong in the update: ";

It is a high security risk to keep this file live after running it.  Please be responsible and remove this file after you have reset your password. We assume no responsibility for the use of this password reset tool.