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What is an email distribution list and How do I create a distribution list Articles
What is an email distribution list?
An email distribution list is an email address that forwards all messages sent to it to one or more separate, specified address(es). A distribution list itself does not provide storage of emails, nor can you send from a distribution list. 

For example, forwards all emails to All messages sent to would then be received at the mailbox. 

How do I create a distribution list?
Login to your Brinkster account at the top right corner of any Brinkster web page. While inside the Email Manager. Click on the desired domain name. Click the "Add Distribution List" button near the top of the page. Choose the desired list name and enter in the destination email account name(s). **See below for additional help.

i.   An email distribution list must have at least one valid email address to forward to.
ii.  An email distribution list cannot send email, it can only receive email.
iii. An email distribution list will not save successfully, if an email account with the same name still exists. 
        Remove any email account with the exact same name before creating the desired distribution list.

I- Choose the desired domain in list of domains.


II- Click the "Add Distribution List" button


III- Enter the desired details and click "Create Distribution List" button.


IV- If needed, update list recipients as shown below - Click "Save Distribution List" button.